# Description # Load a saved VoIP .crf config file. # # In the IxLoad GUI, "export" the VoIP config to a .crf file # This script will use the rest api /operations/importConfig to load the .crf file. # Which will decompress the .crf file and comes with the .rxf and .tst files. # # What the script will do: # - Import the .crf config file. # - Reassign ports # - Run traffic # - Get stats # - Download csv result stats # # Requirements # - IxL_RestApi.py libary file. # - A saved VoIP .crf config file # - For Windows: The VoIP folder must exists in the c:\VoIP. # import os, sys, time, signal, traceback, platform # Insert the Modules path to the system's memory in order to import IxL_RestApi.py currentDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) if platform.system() == 'Windows': sys.path.insert(0, (currentDir.replace('SampleScripts\\LoadSavedConfigFile\\VoIP', 'Modules'))) else: sys.path.insert(0, (currentDir.replace('SampleScripts/LoadSavedConfigFile/VoIP', 'Modules'))) from IxL_RestApi import * # Choices of IxLoad Gateway server: linux or windows serverOs = 'windows' # Which IxLoad version are you using for your test? # To view all the installed versions, go on a web browser and enter: # http://:8080/api/v0/applicationTypes ixLoadVersion = '' # Do you want to delete the session at the end of the test or if the test failed? deleteSession = True forceTakePortOwnership = True # The saved config file to load crfFile = 'voipSip.crf' # API-Key: Use your user API-Key if you want added security apiKey = None if serverOs == 'windows': apiServerIp = '' # Where to store the csv stat results on the Windows filesystem resultsDir = 'c:\\Results' # Where to put or get the .crf file in the Windows filesystem crfFileOnServer = 'c:\\VoIP\\{}'.format(crfFile) if serverOs == 'linux': apiServerIp = '' # Leave as default. For your reference only. resultsDir = '/mnt/ixload-share/Results' # Leave as default crfFileOnServer = '/mnt/ixload-share/VoIP/{}'.format(crfFile) # Where to put the downloaded saved csv results saveResultsInPath = currentDir # Where is the VoIP .crf file located on your local filesystem to be uploaded to the IxLoad Gateway server # In this example, get it from the current folder. localConfigFileToUpload = '{}/{}'.format(currentDir, crfFile) # For IxLoad versions prior to 8.50 that doesn't have the rest api to download results. # Set to True if you want to save run time results to CSV files. saveStatsToCsvFile = False # Where to put the csv results on your local system. This example puts it in the current directory. scpResultsDestPath = currentDir apiServerIpPort = 8443 ;# http=8080. https=8443 (https is supported starting 8.50) # licenseModel choices: 'Subscription Mode' or 'Perpetual Mode' licenseModel = 'Subscription Mode' licenseServerIp = '' # Assign ports for testing. Format = (cardId,portId) # 'Traffic1@Network1' are activity names. # To get the Activity names, go to: /ixload/test/activeTest/communityList communityPortList1 = { 'chassisIp': '', 'Traffic1@Network1': [(1,1)], } communityPortList2 = { 'chassisIp': '', 'Traffic2@Network2': [(1,2)], } # Stat names to display at run time. # To see how to get the stat names, go to the link below for step-by-step guidance: # https://www.openixia.com/tutorials?subject=ixLoad/getStatName&page=fromApiBrowserForRestApi.html statsDict = { 'SIP(VoIPSip)': ['SIP Requests Parsed', 'SIP Requests Matched'], 'RTP(VoIPSip)': ['Successful Records', 'Successful Playbacks'], 'Signaling(VoIPSip)': ['Received Calls', 'Answered Calls'] } try: restObj = Main(apiServerIp=apiServerIp, apiServerIpPort=apiServerIpPort, osPlatform=serverOs, deleteSession=deleteSession, pollStatusInterval=1, apiKey=apiKey, generateRestLogFile=True) restObj.connect(ixLoadVersion, sessionId=None, timeout=120) restObj.configLicensePreferences(licenseServerIp=licenseServerIp, licenseModel=licenseModel) restObj.setResultDir(resultsDir, createTimestampFolder=True) restObj.deleteLogsOnSessionClose() restObj.importCrfFile(crfFileOnServer, localConfigFileToUpload) restObj.assignChassisAndPorts([communityPortList1, communityPortList2]) if forceTakePortOwnership: restObj.enableForceOwnership() # Modify the sustain time restObj.configTimeline(name='Timeline1', sustainTime=12) runTestOperationsId = restObj.runTraffic() restObj.pollStats(statsDict, csvFile=saveStatsToCsvFile, pollStatInterval=2, csvEnableFileTimestamp=True, csvFilePrependName=None) # Wait if your configuration has port capturing enabled restObj.waitForAllCapturedData() restObj.waitForActiveTestToUnconfigure() restObj.downloadResults(targetPath=saveResultsInPath) if deleteSession: restObj.deleteSessionId() except (IxLoadRestApiException, Exception) as errMsg: print('\n%s' % traceback.format_exc()) if deleteSession: restObj.abortActiveTest() restObj.deleteSessionId() sys.exit(errMsg) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\nCTRL-C detected.') if deleteSession: restObj.abortActiveTest() restObj.deleteSessionId()