*** Settings *** Library BuiltIn Library String Library Collections #Library IxLoadRobot C:/Program Files (x86)/Ixia/IxLoad/ # <-NEEDS TO BE MODIFIED, Path to the IxLoad instalation folder Library /home/hgee/Dropbox/MyIxiaWork/OpenIxiaGit/IxLoad/RestApi/Python/SampleScripts/Robot/RobotFramework/IxLoadRobot.py /home/hgee/Dropbox/MyIxiaWork/OpenIxiaGit/IxLoad/RestApi/Python/SampleScripts/Robot/RobotFramework Test Teardown Teardown Actions *** Variables *** #${clientIp} = #${clientPort} = 8443 #${ixLoadVersion} = # <-NEEDS TO BE MODIFIED, IxLoad version the test will run #${chassisIp} = # <-NEEDS TO BE MODIFIED, IP of the chassis on which the card is found #@{portList1} = 1.7.1 # <-NEEDS TO BE MODIFIED, chassis.card.port on which the test will run #@{portList2} = 1.7.2 # <-NEEDS TO BE MODIFIED, chassis.card.port on which the test will run ${clientIp} = ${clientPort} = 8443 ${ixLoadVersion} = # <-NEEDS TO BE MODIFIED, IxLoad version the test will run ${chassisIp} = # <-NEEDS TO BE MODIFIED, IP of the chassis on which the card is found @{portList1} = 1.1.1 # <-NEEDS TO BE MODIFIED, chassis.card.port on which the test will run @{portList2} = 1.2.1 # <-NEEDS TO BE MODIFIED, chassis.card.port on which the test will run *** Test Cases *** Run IxLoad Configuration ########################## # Start IxLoad Session # ########################## Connect ipAddress=${clientIp} port=${clientPort} ${session} = Create Session ixLoadVersion=${ixLoadVersion} Set Global Variable ${session} # new line ${result} = Start Session ${session} ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status ${error} = Get From Dictionary ${result} error Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL ${error} ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ########################## # Create Communities # ########################## ${test} = Get IxLoad Test session=${session} ${activeTest} = Cget object=${test} field=activeTest ${communityList} = Cget object=${activeTest} field=communityList ${clientCommunity} = Append Item ${communityList} ${serverCommunity} = Append Item ${communityList} ########################## # Add new chassis # ########################## ${chassisChain} = Get IxLoad Chassis Chain session=${session} ${chassisList} = Cget object=${chassisChain} field=chassisList Clear List ${chassisList} ${chassis} = Append Item ${chassisList} name=${chassisIp} ${result} = Refresh Connection ${chassis} ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status ${error} = Get From Dictionary ${result} error Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL ${error} ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ########################## # Assign ports # ########################## ${clientNetwork} = Cget object=${clientCommunity} field=network ${clientPortList} = Cget object=${clientNetwork} field=portList : FOR ${port} IN @{portList1} \ @{portData} = Split String ${port} . \ Append Item ${clientPortList} chassisId=@{portData}[0] cardId=@{portData}[1] portId=@{portData}[2] ${serverNetwork} = Cget object=${serverCommunity} field=network ${serverPortList} = Cget object=${serverNetwork} field=portList : FOR ${port} IN @{portList2} \ @{portData} = Split String ${port} . \ Append Item ${serverPortList} chassisId=@{portData}[0] cardId=@{portData}[1] portId=@{portData}[2] ${ClientNetwork}= Cget object=${clientCommunity} field=network ${ClientStack}= Cget object=${ClientNetwork} field=stack ${ClientStackChildren}= Cget object=${ClientStack} field=childrenList ${ChildrenList} = Set Variable @{ClientStackChildren}[0] ${ClientStackChildren_secondary}= Cget object=${ChildrenList} field=childrenList ${ChildrenList_secondary} = Set Variable @{ClientStackChildren_secondary}[0] ${ClientMacVlanChildren}= Cget object=${ChildrenList_secondary} field=rangeList Config object=${ClientMacVlanChildren} count=20 ########################## # Create activities # ########################## ${clientActivityList} = Cget object=${clientCommunity} field=activityList ${httpClientActivity} = Append Item ${clientActivityList} protocolAndType=HTTP Client ${serverActivityList} = Cget object=${serverCommunity} field=activityList ${httpServerActivity} = Append Item ${serverActivityList} protocolAndType=HTTP Server ${httpClientAgent} = Cget object=${httpClientActivity} field=agent ${httpClientActionList} = Cget object=${httpClientAgent} field=actionList ${httpCommand_get} = Append Item ${httpClientActionList} commandType=GET Config object=${httpCommand_get} destination=Traffic2_HTTPServer1:80 pageObject=/1b.html ${httpCommand_post} = Append Item ${httpClientActionList} commandType=POST Config object=${httpCommand_post} destination=Traffic2_HTTPServer1:80 pageObject=/256k.html arguments=c:/robot_framework/test_preferences.rxf ${httpCommand_think} = Append Item ${httpClientActionList} commandType=THINK ######################### # Apply configuration # ######################### ${result} = Apply Configuration ${test} ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status ${error} = Get From Dictionary ${result} error Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL ${error} ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Sleep 30s ########################## # Save the repository # ########################## Save As ${test} fullPath=c:/Results/http_robot.rxf overWrite=${TRUE} # <- TO BE MODIFIED, path to the location f the new .rxf file ########################## # Run Test # ########################## ${result} = Run Test ${test} ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status ${error} = Get From Dictionary ${result} error Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL ${error} ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Sleep 20s ########################## # Check Stats # ########################## ${ixLoadStats} = Get IxLoad Stats session=${session} ${HTTP_Client_Requests_Sent} = Get Stat Value object=${ixLoadStats} statSource=HTTPClientPerURL statName=HTTP Requests Sent timeStamp=latest ${HTTP_Client_Requests_Successful} = Get Stat Value object=${ixLoadStats} statSource=HTTPClientPerURL statName=HTTP Requests Successful timeStamp=latest ${HTTP_Client_Requests_Failed} = Get Stat Value object=${ixLoadStats} statSource=HTTPClientPerURL statName=HTTP Requests Failed timeStamp=latest ${HTTP_Server_Requests_Received} = Get Stat Value object=${ixLoadStats} statSource=HTTPServerPerURL statName=HTTP Requests Received timeStamp=latest ${HTTP_Server_Responses_Sent} = Get Stat Value object=${ixLoadStats} statSource=HTTPServerPerURL statName=HTTP Responses Sent timeStamp=latest ${HTTP_Server_Requests_Successful} = Get Stat Value object=${ixLoadStats} statSource=HTTPServerPerURL statName=HTTP Requests Successful timeStamp=latest Log To Console ${\n} Log To Console ${\n} Log To Console Client Request Successful=${HTTP_Client_Requests_Sent} Log To Console Client Request Sent=${HTTP_Client_Requests_Successful} Log To Console Client Request Failed=${HTTP_Client_Requests_Failed} Log To Console Server Requests Received=${HTTP_Server_Requests_Received} Log To Console Server Responses Sent=${HTTP_Server_Responses_Sent} Log To Console Server Requests Successful=${HTTP_Server_Requests_Successful} ####################### # Stats Interrogation # ####################### Run Keyword If '${HTTP_Client_Requests_Sent}' != '${HTTP_Client_Requests_Successful}' FAIL "Requests Sent differ from Requests Successful on Client" ELSE Log To Console Successful stat check on client done. Run Keyword If '${HTTP_Server_Requests_Received}' != '${HTTP_Server_Requests_Successful}' FAIL "Requests Sent differ from Requests Successful on Server" ELSE Log To Console Successful stat check on server done. Run Keyword If '${HTTP_Client_Requests_Failed}' != '0' FAIL "Requests Failed stat check failed." ELSE Log To Console Requests Failed stat check done. ########################## # Stop Test # ########################## ${result} = Abort Test ${test} ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status ${error} = Get From Dictionary ${result} error Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL ${error} ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ########################## # Delete Session # ########################## *** Keywords *** Teardown Actions Delete Session session=${session}