""" extractDataModelToFile.py Description Upload a saved configuration to IxLoad gateway servr and extract the data model to a text file. Note: This script supports Windows and Linux IxLoad gateway. You will see if conditions for Windows or Linux throughout this script. Requirement: - IxL_RestApi.py library module - It is located in the ../Modules folder Steps: - Connect to IxLoad Gateway server to create a session. - Upload the saved config to the gateway server. - Load the saved config file. - Extract data model. - Download the file as ixLoadConfigDataModel.txt to the target location of your preference. - Delete the session. """ import os, sys, traceback, platform # Insert the Modules path to the system's memory in order to import IxL_RestApi.py currentDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # Where is the path to the IxL_RestApi.py library module. if platform.system() == 'Windows': sys.path.insert(0, (currentDir.replace('SampleScripts\\LoadSavedConfigFile', 'Modules'))) else: sys.path.insert(0, (currentDir.replace('SampleScripts/LoadSavedConfigFile', 'Modules'))) from IxL_RestApi import * # Which IxLoad version are you using for your test? # To view all the installed versions, go on a web browser and enter: # http://:8080/api/v0/applicationTypes ixLoadVersion = '' ixLoadVersion = '' ;# EA ixLoadVersion = '' ;# Update-2 serverOs = 'linux' apiServerIpPort = 8443 # Do you want to delete the session at the end of the test? deleteSession = True # The name of the saved IxLoad config file rxfFilename = 'IxL_Http_Ipv4Ftp_vm_8.20.rxf' if serverOs == 'linux': apiServerIp = '' # Don't touch below two lines serverFilePath = '/mnt/ixload-share' rxfFileOnServer = '{}/{}'.format(serverFilePath, rxfFilename) if serverOs == 'windows': apiServerIp = '' # You must have the c: drive folder in Windows created. serverFilePath = 'c:\\Results' # Don't touch the below line rxfFileOnServer = '{}\\{}'.format(serverFilePath, rxfFilename) # Do you need to upload your saved config file to the gateway server? # If not, make sure a saved config must be already in the IxLoad gateway server filesystem. upLoadFile = True # The filename to give for the extracted data model file dataModelFilename = 'ixLoadConfigDataModel.txt' # Where to put the extracted data model text file on the gateway to be downloaded. if serverOs == 'linux': # For IxLoad on Linux, don't modify this default Linux location. extractDataModelSrcLocation = '/mnt/ixload-share/{}'.format(dataModelFilename) else: # For IxLoad Windows users, you have to first create a folder in the c: drive. extractDataModelSrcLocation = 'c:\\Results\\{}'.format(dataModelFilename) # The local path to download the extracted data model file downloadToLocalDestination = '/home/hgee' # The src path for the .rxf config file to be uploaded to the gateway server. # In this example, assuming you are running this script on a Linux OS and # the path to the config file from the current folder. localConfigFileToUpload = '{}/LoadSavedConfigFile/{}'.format(currentDir, rxfFilename) try: restObj = Main(apiServerIp=apiServerIp, apiServerIpPort=apiServerIpPort, osPlatform=serverOs, deleteSession=deleteSession, generateRestLogFile=True) # The sessionId param is for connecting to an opened existing session that you like to connect to # instead of starting a new session. restObj.connect(ixLoadVersion, sessionId=18, timeout=120) if upLoadFile == True: restObj.uploadFile(localConfigFileToUpload, rxfFileOnServer) restObj.loadConfigFile(rxfFileOnServer) # Extracting a data model takes approximately 60 seconds for a small configuration. # Set the timeout value to a higher value for large config files. restObj.extractDataModelToFile(extractToFilename=dataModelFilename, timeout=120) restObj.downloadFile(srcPathAndFilename=extractDataModelSrcLocation, targetLocation=downloadToLocalDestination, targetFilename=dataModelFilename) if deleteSession: restObj.deleteSessionId() except (IxLoadRestApiException, Exception) as errMsg: print('\n%s' % traceback.format_exc()) if deleteSession: restObj.deleteSessionId() sys.exit(errMsg) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\nCTRL-C detected.') if deleteSession: restObj.abortActiveTest() restObj.deleteSessionId()