################################################################################ # $Revision: 0.1 # # $Author: Vijay Anantha Murthy # # # # Copyright © by IXIA # # 1997 - 2012 # # All Rights Reserved. # # # # Revision Log: # # 11-08-2012 Initial Version 0.1 # # # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # # LEGAL NOTICE: # # ============== # # The following code and documentation (hereinafter "the script") is an # # example script for demonstration purposes only. # # The script is not a standard commercial product offered by Ixia and have # # been developed and is being provided for use only as indicated herein. The # # script [and all modifications, enhancements and updates thereto (whether # # made by Ixia and/or by the user and/or by a third party)] shall at all times # # remain the property of Ixia. # # # # Ixia does not warrant (i) that the functions contained in the script will # # meet the user's requirements or (ii) that the script will be without # # omissions or error-free. # # THE SCRIPT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, AND IXIA # # DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OF NON-INFRINGEMENT. # # THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SCRIPT IS WITH THE # # USER. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL IXIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM OR ARISING # # OUT OF THE USE OF, OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE SCRIPT OR ANY PART THEREOF, # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST BUSINESS, LOST OR # # DAMAGED DATA OR SOFTWARE OR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE OR # # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF IXIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # # SUCH DAMAGES IN ADVANCE. # # Ixia will not be required to provide any software maintenance or support # # services of any kind (e.g., any error corrections) in connection with the # # script or any part thereof. The user acknowledges that although Ixia may # # from time to time and in its sole discretion provide maintenance or support # # services for the script, any such services are subject to the warranty and # # damages limitations set forth herein and will not obligate Ixia to provide # # any additional maintenance or support services. # # # ################################################################################ ####################################################### # # # Description: # # It uses two Ixia ports and configures # # OSPFv3 and run traffic # # # ####################################################### # Subroutine to add ip addresses. Can be used for increment # args Ip_Address, Increment_Step # returns sum of Ip_Address and Increment_Step # No Error handling yet # # Handles only IPv4 address format # # Ex: Ip_Address = "" # Increment_Step = "" # Summation = "" sub ip_addr_incr { my ($set_addr, $add_addr) = @_; my @set_array = (); my @add_array = (); my @new_addr = (); @add_array = split /[.]+/, $add_addr; @set_array = split /[.]+/, $set_addr; for (my $i = 0 ; $i <= @set_array - 1; $i++) { $new_addr[$i] = $set_array[$i] + $add_array[$i]; $set_addr = join ".", @new_addr; } return $set_addr; } # Subroutine to print all key value pairs of Traffic Stats my $ERROR = ''; my $ERRNO = ''; sub display_all_values { my @status_keys = ixiahlt::status_item_keys(); foreach my $key (@status_keys) { print ("\nINFO: Key value is $key\n\n"); foreach my $i (ixiahlt::status_item($key)) { print ("\nINFO : iValue is $i\n\n"); }}} # Subroutine ip_iptobin # Purpose : Transform an IP address into a bit string # Params : IP address, IP version # Returns : bit string on success, undef otherwise sub ip_iptobin { my ($ip, $ipversion) = @_; # v4 -> return 32-bit array if ($ipversion == 4) { return unpack('B32', pack('C4C4C4C4', split(/\./, $ip))); } # Strip ':' $ip =~ s/://g; # Check size unless (length($ip) == 32) { $ERROR = "Bad IP address $ip"; $ERRNO = 102; return; } # v6 -> return 128-bit array return unpack('B128', pack('H32', $ip)); } # Subroutine ip_bintoip # Purpose : Transform a bit string into an IP address # Params : bit string, IP version # Returns : IP address on success, undef otherwise sub ip_bintoip { my ($binip, $ip_version) = @_; # Define normal size for address my $len = ip_iplengths($ip_version); if ($len < length($binip)) { $ERROR = "Invalid IP length for binary IP $binip\n"; $ERRNO = 189; return; } # Prepend 0s if address is less than normal size $binip = '0' x ($len - length($binip)) . $binip; # IPv4 if ($ip_version == 4) { return join '.', unpack('C4C4C4C4', pack('B32', $binip)); } # IPv6 return join(':', unpack('H4H4H4H4H4H4H4H4', pack('B128', $binip))); } # Subroutine ip_expand_address # Purpose : Expand an address from compact notation # Params : IP address, IP version # Returns : expanded IP address or undef on failure sub ip_expand_address { my ($ip, $ip_version) = @_; unless ($ip_version) { $ERROR = "Cannot determine IP version for $ip"; $ERRNO = 101; return; } # v4 : add .0 for missing quads if ($ip_version == 4) { my @quads = split /\./, $ip; my @clean_quads = (0, 0, 0, 0); foreach my $q (reverse @quads) { unshift(@clean_quads, $q + 1 - 1); } return (join '.', @clean_quads[ 0 .. 3 ]); } # Keep track of :: $ip =~ s/::/:!:/; # IP as an array my @ip = split /:/, $ip; # Number of octets my $num = scalar(@ip); foreach (0 .. (scalar(@ip) - 1)) { # Embedded IPv4 if ($ip[$_] =~ /\./) { # Expand Ipv4 address # Convert into binary # Convert into hex # Keep the last two octets $ip[$_] = substr( ip_bintoip(ip_iptobin(ip_expand_address($ip[$_], 4), 4), 6), -9); # Has an error occured here ? return unless (defined($ip[$_])); # $num++ because we now have one more octet: # IPv4 address becomes two octets $num++; next; } # Add missing trailing 0s $ip[$_] = ('0' x (4 - length($ip[$_]))) . $ip[$_]; } # Now deal with '::' ('000!') foreach (0 .. (scalar(@ip) - 1)) { # Find the pattern next unless ($ip[$_] eq '000!'); # @empty is the IP address 0 my @empty = map { $_ = '0' x 4 } (0 .. 7); # Replace :: with $num '0000' octets $ip[$_] = join ':', @empty[ 0 .. 8 - $num ]; last; } return (lc(join ':', @ip)); } # add ipv6 addresses sub add_ipv6 { my ($addr_ipv6, $incr_ipv6) = @_; # Expand Ipv6 Addresses #$addr_ipv6 = &ip_expand_address($addr_ipv6, 6); #$incr_ipv6 = &ip_expand_address($incr_ipv6, 6); # Replace ':' with nothing $addr_ipv6 =~ s/://g; $incr_ipv6 =~ s/://g; # Convert the IPv6 string to 128 bit binary format my $addr_ipv6_bin = unpack('B128', pack('H32', $addr_ipv6)); my $incr_ipv6_bin = unpack('B128', pack('H32', $incr_ipv6)); # Convert 128 Bit binary format to IPv6 format; Not required but # mentioned for completeness purposes my $addr_ipv6_join = join(':', unpack('H4H4H4H4H4H4H4H4', pack('B128', $addr_ipv6_bin))); my $incr_ipv6_join = join(':', unpack('H4H4H4H4H4H4H4H4', pack('B128', $incr_ipv6_bin))); my $b = $addr_ipv6_bin; my $e = $incr_ipv6_bin; # Check IP length unless (length($b) eq length($e)) { $ERROR = "IP addresses of different length\n"; $ERRNO = 130; return; } # Reverse the two IPs $b = scalar(reverse $b); $e = scalar(reverse $e); my ($carry, $result, $c) = (0); # Foreach bit (reversed) for (0 .. length($b) - 1) { # add the two bits plus the carry $c = substr($b, $_, 1) + substr($e, $_, 1) + $carry; $carry = 0; # sum = 0 => $c = 0, $carry = 0 # sum = 1 => $c = 1, $carry = 0 # sum = 2 => $c = 0, $carry = 1 # sum = 3 => $c = 1, $carry = 1 if ($c > 1) { $c -= 2; $carry = 1; } $result .= $c; } # Reverse result my $ipv6_result = join(':', unpack('H4H4H4H4H4H4H4H4', pack('B128', scalar(reverse($result))))); return $ipv6_result; } sub catch_error { if (ixiahlt::status_item('status') != 1) { print ("\n#################################################### \n"); print ("ERROR: \n$test_name : ". ixiahlt::status_item('status')); print ("\n#################################################### \n"); die ("ERROR: \n$test_name : Please check values and the port handles!!!"); }} ################################################# # Source all libraries in the beginning # ################################################# use warnings; use strict; use bignum; use Carp; # use lib where the HLPAPI files are located # This can be moved to .pl files in the JT framework # It is typically: # "/volume/labtools/ixia//lib/library/common/ixia_hl_lib-" # For Ex: # use lib "/volume/labtools/ixia/6.30.850.7/lib"; # use lib "/volume/labtools/ixia/6.30.850.7/lib/library/common/ixia_hl_lib-6.30"; use lib "/home/vmurthy/hlpapi/ixos/ixos6.30.850.7/lib"; use lib "/home/vmurthy/hlpapi/ixos/ixos6.30.850.7/lib/library/common/ixia_hl_lib-6.30"; use ixiahlt; use ixiaixn; # Declare the Chassis IP address and the Ports that will be used my $test_name = "IxNetwork_IPv6_OSPF"; my $chassisIP = ""; my @port_list = ("1/9", "1/10"); my $ixNetTclServer = ""; my $user = "ixiaHlpapiUser"; # Declare all variables my $_result_ = ''; my @status_keys = (); my %status_keys = (); my $port_handle = ''; my $vport_list = ''; my $vport_protocols_handle = ''; my $status = ''; my @_handles_ = (); my @portHandleList = (); my $key = ''; my $value = ''; my $index = ''; ####################################################################### # Connects to the IxNetwork Tcl Server, Tcl Server, and the chassis. # # Takes ownership of the ports. # # Notes: # # IxNetwork Tcl Server must be running on a client PC; # # Tcl Server must be running on a client PC; # # When using P2NO HLTSET, for loading the IxTclNetwork package please # # provide .ixnetwork_tcl_server parameter to ::ixia::connect # ####################################################################### $_result_ = ixiahlt::connect({ reset => 1, device => $chassisIP , port_list => \@port_list, ixnetwork_tcl_server => $ixNetTclServer , tcl_server => $chassisIP , break_locks => 1, username => $user, guard_rail => "statistics", }); &catch_error(); # Assign portHandleList with port handles values foreach my $port (@port_list) { $port_handle = ixiahlt::status_item("port_handle.$chassisIP.$port"); push(@portHandleList, $port_handle); } my $port_tx = $portHandleList[0]; my $port_rx = $portHandleList[1]; my $port_count = scalar (@portHandleList); my $tx_ip_address = &ip_expand_address("2001::1", 6); my $tx_ip_address_step = &ip_expand_address("0:1::", 6); my $rx_ip_address = &ip_expand_address("2001::100", 6); my $rx_ip_address_step = &ip_expand_address("0:1::", 6); my $local_ip_address = &ip_expand_address("2001::1", 6); my $local_ip_address_step = &ip_expand_address("0:1::", 6); my $router_id_address = ""; my $router_id_address_step = ""; my $route_range_ip_address = &ip_expand_address("2000:1000::1", 6); my $route_range_step = &ip_expand_address("0:1000::", 6); ###################################################### # Initialize ports # ###################################################### $_result_ = ixiahlt::interface_config ({ mode => 'config', intf_mode => 'ethernet', autonegotiation => 1, speed => 'auto', transmit_mode => 'advanced', port_handle => $portHandleList[0], ipv6_intf_addr => $tx_ip_address, ipv6_prefix_length => 64, ipv6_gateway => $rx_ip_address, }); &catch_error(); my $tx_interface_handle = ixiahlt::status_item('interface_handle'); $_result_ = ixiahlt::interface_config ({ mode => 'config', intf_mode => 'ethernet', autonegotiation => 1, speed => 'auto', transmit_mode => 'advanced', port_handle => $portHandleList[1], ipv6_intf_addr => $rx_ip_address, ipv6_prefix_length => 64, ipv6_gateway => $tx_ip_address, }); &catch_error(); my $rx_interface_handle = ixiahlt::status_item('interface_handle'); ###################################################### # Configure an OSPFv3 emulated router on each port # ###################################################### my @ospf_router_handle_list; my $local_ip_address_temp = $local_ip_address; my $router_id_address_temp = $router_id_address; $_result_ = ixiahlt::emulation_ospf_config ({ mode => 'create', reset => 1, session_type => 'ospfv3', port_handle => $portHandleList[0], router_id => $router_id_address_temp, intf_ip_addr => $tx_ip_address, intf_prefix_length => 64, neighbor_intf_ip_addr => $rx_ip_address, count => 1, area_id => '', area_type => 'external-capable', network_type => 'broadcast', option_bits => '0x13', lsa_discard_mode => 0, }); &catch_error(); push(@ospf_router_handle_list, ixiahlt::status_item('handle')); $router_id_address_temp = &ip_addr_incr($router_id_address, $router_id_address_step); $_result_ = ixiahlt::emulation_ospf_config ({ mode => 'create', reset => 1, session_type => 'ospfv3', port_handle => $portHandleList[1], router_id => $router_id_address_temp, intf_ip_addr => $rx_ip_address, intf_prefix_length => 64, neighbor_intf_ip_addr => $tx_ip_address, count => 1, area_id => '', area_type => 'external-capable', network_type => 'broadcast', option_bits => '0x13', lsa_discard_mode => 0, }); &catch_error(); push(@ospf_router_handle_list, ixiahlt::status_item('handle')); ###################################################### # For each OSPFv3 router, configure a route range # ###################################################### my $route_range_ip_address_temp = $route_range_ip_address; for (my $i = 0; $i < $port_count; $i++) { $_result_ = ixiahlt::emulation_ospf_topology_route_config ({ mode => 'create', handle => $ospf_router_handle_list[$i], type => 'summary_routes', summary_prefix_start => $route_range_ip_address_temp, summary_prefix_length => 45, summary_number_of_prefix => 5, }); &catch_error(); $route_range_ip_address_temp = &add_ipv6($route_range_ip_address_temp, $route_range_step); } ###################################################### # Clear Stats # ###################################################### $_result_ = ixiahlt::emulation_ospf_info ({ mode => 'clear_stats', port_handle => \@portHandleList, }); &catch_error(); ###################################################### # Start OSPFv3 # ###################################################### $_result_ = ixiahlt::emulation_ospf_control ({ port_handle => \@portHandleList, mode => 'start', }); &catch_error(); ###################################################### # Retrieve Aggregated Stats # ###################################################### $_result_ = ixiahlt::emulation_ospf_info ({ mode => 'aggregate_stats', port_handle => $portHandleList[0], }); &catch_error(); &display_all_values(); ###################################################### # Retrieve Aggregated Stats # ###################################################### $_result_ = ixiahlt::emulation_ospf_info ({ mode => 'aggregate_stats', port_handle => $portHandleList[1], }); &catch_error(); &display_all_values(); ###################################################### # Retrieve Learned Info # ###################################################### #$_result_ = ixiahlt::emulation_ospf_info ({ # mode => 'learned_info', # handle => $ospf_router_handle_list[1], #}); #&catch_error(); #&display_all_values(); ###################################################### # Wait for the routes to be learned # ###################################################### sleep(30); ################################################################### # Configuring Traffic # # # # NOTE: You may use the track_by option to specify the method of # # tracking the generated traffic # # in order to gather traffic statistics # ################################################################### my $stream1 = ixiahlt::traffic_config({ mode => 'create', traffic_generator => 'ixnetwork_540', endpointset_count => 1, transmit_mode => "continuous", emulation_src_handle => $port_tx, emulation_dst_handle => $port_rx, name => "IPv6_TRAFFIC", src_dest_mesh => "one_to_one", route_mesh => "one_to_one", circuit_type => "none", circuit_endpoint_type => "ipv6", rate_percent => 10, tx_delay => 10, length_mode => "fixed", frame_size => 512, track_by => "endpoint_pair", }); &catch_error(); my $tiName1 = ixiahlt::status_item("stream_id"); ###################################################### # Clear the Stats on both ports # ###################################################### $_result_ = ixiahlt::traffic_control ({ action => "clear_stats", port_handle => \@portHandleList, }); &catch_error(); ###################################################### # Start the traffic # ###################################################### $_result_ = ixiahlt::traffic_control ({ action => "run", }); &catch_error(); ###################################################### # Wait for 60 seconds for the traffic to flow! # ###################################################### print ("INFO: Check now that that traffic is flowing...Let it flow for 1 minute\n"); sleep(60); ###################################################### # Stop the traffic # # # # NOTE: Add the max_wait_timer option in case of # # medium to large ixncfg. # # Without it, the script often fails. # ###################################################### $_result_ = ixiahlt::traffic_control ({ action => "stop", max_wait_timer => "60", }); &catch_error(); ###################################################### # Set mode to Traffic Items to display traffic stats # ###################################################### my $ti_traffic_status = ixiahlt::traffic_stats ({ mode => "traffic_item", }); &catch_error(); my @traffic_item_stats = ixiahlt::status_item('traffic_item'); ### For Traffic Item my $tx_frame_rate = ixiahlt::status_item("traffic_item.$tiName1.tx.total_pkt_rate"); my $rx_frame_rate = ixiahlt::status_item("traffic_item.$tiName1.rx.total_pkt_rate"); my $tx_total_pkts = ixiahlt::status_item("traffic_item.$tiName1.tx.total_pkts"); my $rx_total_pkts = ixiahlt::status_item("traffic_item.$tiName1.rx.total_pkts"); print ("INFO: traffic_item.$tiName1.tx.total_pkt_rate $tx_frame_rate\n"); print ("INFO: traffic_item.$tiName1.rx.total_pkt_rate $rx_frame_rate\n"); print ("INFO: traffic_item.$tiName1.tx.total_pkts $tx_total_pkts\n"); print ("INFO: traffic_item.$tiName1.rx.total_pkts $rx_total_pkts\n"); ###################################################### # Gather and display aggregate statistics # ###################################################### my $aggregated_traffic_status = ixiahlt::traffic_stats ({ mode => "all", port_handle => \@portHandleList, }); &catch_error(); my %packet_aggregate_mode = ( "Scheduled Frames Tx." => "aggregate.tx.scheduled_pkt_count.max", "Frames Tx." => "aggregate.tx.pkt_count.max", "Total Frames Tx." => "aggregate.tx.total_pkts.sum", "Total Frames Rx." => "aggregate.rx.total_pkts.sum", "Bytes Tx." => "aggregate.tx.pkt_byte_count.sum", "Bytes Rx." => "aggregate.rx.pkt_byte_count.sum", "Data Integrity Frames Rx. Max" => "aggregate.rx.data_int_frames_count.max", "Data Integrity Frames Rx. Min" => "aggregate.rx.data_int_frames_count.min", "Data Integrity Errors Max" => "aggregate.rx.data_int_errors_count.max" , "Data Integrity Errors Min" => "aggregate.rx.data_int_errors_count.min" , "Valid Frames Rx." => "aggregate.rx.pkt_count.max", "Valid Frames Rx. Rate" => "aggregate.rx.pkt_rate", "Traffic Item Total Packets Rate Tx" => "traffic_item.$tiName1.tx.total_pkt_rate", "Traffic Item Total Packets Rate Rx" => "traffic_item.$tiName1.rx.total_pkt_rate", "Traffic Item Total packets Tx" => "traffic_item.$tiName1.tx.total_pkts", "Traffic Item Total packets Rx" => "traffic_item.$tiName1.rx.total_pkts", ); @status_keys = ixiahlt::status_item_keys(); $status = ixiahlt::status_item('status'); print ("\n\n########################################\n\n"); print ("\n @status_keys \n"); print ("\n\n########################################\n\n"); print ("INFO: FINAL STATS\n"); while (my ($k, $v) = each(%packet_aggregate_mode)) { $value = (ixiahlt::status_item($v)); print ("\n\n$k => $value\n"); } ###################################################### # Clean up the session: # # Disconnects from # # IxNetwork Tcl server, Tcl server, and Chassis. # # Clears the ownership from a list of ports. # ###################################################### $_result_ = ixiahlt::cleanup_session ({ port_handle => \@portHandleList, reset => 1 }); print ("\n\n$test_name : PASSED! \n\nTEST COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY!\n");