""" Description This script converts .ixncfg configurations to a JSON config file: - All converted filenames are the same names as the original .ixncfg config file with the .json extension. - All converted JSON config files are stored in the user defined variable destinationPath. - You provide a list of folders containing .ixncfg config files and this script will convert all .ixncfg config files in it. - You could also provide a list of .ixncfg config files including its path. This script could connect to any IxNetwork API servers: Windows or Linux. 1> It will load each .ixncfg file (Takes approximately a minute to load). 2> Verify port state because by default after loading a config file, the ports are rebooting. 3> If ports are not assigned, then the port verification will be skipped. 4> Export the loaded configuration to a JSON config file. Variables destinationPath: The location to store all the converted .json config files ixncfgFolder: Provide a list of all the folders with .ixncfg config files. This script will automatically convert all .ixncfg in each folder. Leave variable empty if none. ixncfgFiles: Provide a list of all the .ixncfg files including its path. Leave variable empty if none. Requirements: (This script uses ReST APIs) - Written in Python3 and supports Python2 - The Python "requests" module for ReST API executions. - IxNetwork API server. Chassis and ports are not required. - IxNetRestApi* modules in the ../Modules directory. Usage You must set the above variables. Command line execution: python convertIxncfgToJson or ... python convertIxncfgToJson linux|windowsConnectionMgr """ import sys, glob, traceback sys.path.insert(0, '../Modules') from IxNetRestApi import * from IxNetRestApiFileMgmt import FileMgmt from IxNetRestApiPortMgmt import PortMgmt destinationPath = '/home/hgee/Temp/temp2' ;# User needs to replace this ixncfgFolders = [] ixncfgFiles = [] # Default the API server to either windows or linux. connectToApiServer = 'windows' # For accepting command line parameters: windows or linux if len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1] not in ['windows', 'windowsConnectionMgr', 'linux']: sys.exit("\nError: %s is not a known option. Choices are 'windows', 'windowsConnectionMgr or 'linux'." % sys.argv[1]) connectToApiServer = sys.argv[1] def convertFile(): ixncfgFileName = eachIxncfgFile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] exportJsonFilename = ixncfgFileName+'.json' fileMgmtObj.loadConfigFile(eachIxncfgFile) portObj.verifyPortState() fileMgmtObj.exportJsonConfigFile(jsonFileName=destinationPath+'/'+exportJsonFilename) try: #---------- Preference Settings -------------- enableDebugTracing = True deleteSessionAfterTest = True if connectToApiServer == 'linux': mainObj = Connect(apiServerIp='', serverIpPort='443', username='admin', password='admin', deleteSessionAfterTest=deleteSessionAfterTest, verifySslCert=False, serverOs='linux') if connectToApiServer in ['windows', 'windowsConnectionMgr']: mainObj = Connect(apiServerIp='', serverIpPort='11009', serverOs=connectToApiServer, deleteSessionAfterTest=deleteSessionAfterTest) #---------- Preference Settings End -------------- portObj = PortMgmt(mainObj) fileMgmtObj = FileMgmt(mainObj) folderNotExists = [] fileNotExists = [] if destinationPath == '' or destinationPath == None: raise IxNetRestApiException('\nError: You must provide a destination path to store the converted JSON config files.\n') if os.path.exists(destinationPath) == False: raise IxNetRestApiException('\nError: The destinationPath does not exists: {0}'.format(destinationPath)) if ixncfgFiles: for eachIxncfgFile in ixncfgFiles: if not os.path.exists(eachIxncfgFile): fileNotExists.append(eachIxncfgFile) else: print('\nLoading ixncfg: {0}'.format(eachIxncfgFile)) convertFile() if ixncfgFolders: for eachFolder in ixncfgFolders: if not os.path.exists(eachFolder): folderNotExists.append(eachFolder) else: ixncfgFiles = glob.glob(eachFolder+'/*.ixncfg') if ixncfgFiles == []: print('\nWarning: No .ixncfg config file in folder: {0}'.format(eachFolder)) for eachIxncfgFile in ixncfgFiles: print('\nLoading ixncfg: {0}'.format(eachIxncfgFile)) convertFile() if folderNotExists != []: print('\nWarning: Following folders don\'t exists: {0}'.format(folderNotExists)) if fileNotExists != []: print('\nWarning: Following files don\'t exists: {0}'.format(fileNotExists)) except (IxNetRestApiException, Exception, KeyboardInterrupt) as errMsg: if enableDebugTracing: if not bool(re.search('ConnectionError', traceback.format_exc())): print('\n%s' % traceback.format_exc()) print('\nException Error! %s\n' % errMsg) if 'mainObj' in locals() and connectToApiServer == 'linux': if deleteSessionAfterTest: mainObj.linuxServerStopAndDeleteSession() if 'mainObj' in locals() and connectToApiServer in ['windows', 'windowsConnectionMgr']: if connectToApiServer == 'windowsConnectionMgr': if deleteSessionAfterTest: mainObj.deleteSession()