# PLEASE READ DISCLAIMER # # This is a sample script for demo and reference purpose only. # It is subject to change for content updates without warning. # # REQUIREMENTS # - Python 2.7.11 or Python 3+ # - request.py module # - readline.py module # # DESCRIPTION # This script assumes that you already imported ixVM chassis # and ixVM line cards on either a VMWare ESX Host or KVM Host. # # This script will add or remove vChassis and vLMs on a specified # IxNetwork API server using ReST APIs. # This script operates in two modes: # 1> Interactive mode: Will ask you all the necessary questions to add # the vChassis and vLMs on your IxNetwork API server. # # 2> Non-Interactive mode: Will not ask you any questions. # Requires you to fill out the ixvmParams.py file. # # NOTE: # For adding: This script will check for residual hypervisors and cards. # Remove all before adding. Otherwise, adding new cardID will fail. # # USAGE # # Non-Interactive mode: This script will read all the parameters/values from ixvmParams.py and do it. # You must have the ixvmParams.py file in the same path as ixVmChassisBuilder.py # Enter: python ixVmChassisBuilder.py add|remove # # Interactive mode: Ask questions. # Enter: python ixVmChassisBuilder.py # # Version 2: Automate adding interfaces through VMWare and Openstack using APIs. from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import os, sys, re, requests, json, time, traceback, platform, readline from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError from requests.packages.urllib3.connection import HTTPConnection class IxNetRestApiException(Exception): pass class IxVmChassisBuilder(object): def __init__(self, serverIp=None, serverPort=None): self.sessionUrl = None self.sessionId = None self.httpHeader = None self.jsonHeader = {"content-type": "application/json"} self.getSessionUrl(serverIp, serverPort) def get(self, restApi, data={}, stream=False, silentMode=False, ignoreError=False): """ Description A HTTP GET function to send REST APIs. Parameters restApi: The REST API URL. data: The data payload for the URL. silentMode: True or False. To display URL, data and header info. ignoreError: True or False. If False, the response will be returned. """ if silentMode is False: print('\nGET:', restApi) print('HEADERS:', self.jsonHeader) try: response = requests.get(restApi, headers=self.jsonHeader) if silentMode is False: print('STATUS CODE:', response.status_code) if not re.match('2[0-9][0-9]', str(response.status_code)): if ignoreError == False: raise IxNetRestApiException('http GET error:{0}\n'.format(response.text)) return response except requests.exceptions.RequestException as errMsg: raise IxNetRestApiException('http GET error: {0}\n'.format(errMsg)) def post(self, restApi, data={}, headers=None, silentMode=False, ignoreError=False): """ Description A HTTP POST function to mainly used to create or start operations. Parameters restApi: The REST API URL. data: The data payload for the URL. headers: The special header to use for the URL. silentMode: True or False. To display URL, data and header info. noDataJsonDumps: True or False. If True, use json dumps. Else, accept the data as-is. ignoreError: True or False. If False, the response will be returned. No exception will be raised. """ if headers != None: originalJsonHeader = self.jsonHeader self.jsonHeader = headers data = json.dumps(data) print('\nPOST:', restApi) if silentMode == False: print('DATA:', data) print('HEADERS:', self.jsonHeader) try: response = requests.post(restApi, data=data, headers=self.jsonHeader) # 200 or 201 if silentMode == False: print('STATUS CODE:', response.status_code) if not re.match('2[0-9][0-9]', str(response.status_code)): if ignoreError == False: raise IxNetRestApiException('http POST error: {0}\n'.format(response.text)) return response except requests.exceptions.RequestException as errMsg: raise IxNetRestApiException('http POST error: {0}\n'.format(errMsg)) def patch(self, restApi, data={}, silentMode=False): """ Description A HTTP PATCH function to modify configurations. Parameters restApi: The REST API URL. data: The data payload for the URL. silentMode: True or False. To display URL, data and header info. """ if silentMode == False: print('\nPATCH:', restApi) print('DATA:', data) print('HEADERS:', self.jsonHeader) try: response = requests.patch(restApi, data=json.dumps(data), headers=self.jsonHeader) if silentMode == False: print('STATUS CODE:', response.status_code) if not re.match('2[0-9][0-9]', str(response.status_code)): print('\nPatch error:') raise IxNetRestApiException('http PATCH error: {0}\n'.format(response.text)) return response except requests.exceptions.RequestException as errMsg: raise IxNetRestApiException('http PATCH error: {0}\n'.format(errMsg)) def delete(self, restApi, data={}, headers=None): """ Description A HTTP DELETE function to delete the session. For Linux API server only. Parameters restApi: The REST API URL. data: The data payload for the URL. headers: The header to use for the URL. """ if headers != None: self.jsonHeader = headers print('\nDELETE:', restApi) print('DATA:', data) print('HEADERS:', self.jsonHeader) try: response = requests.delete(restApi, data=json.dumps(data), headers=self.jsonHeader) print('STATUS CODE:', response.status_code) if not re.match('2[0-9][0-9]', str(response.status_code)): raise IxNetRestApiException('http DELETE error: {0}\n'.format(response.text)) return response except requests.exceptions.RequestException as errMsg: raise IxNetRestApiException('http DELETE error: {0}\n'.format(errMsg)) def getSessionUrl(self, ixNetRestServerIp, ixNetRestServerPort=11009): """ Description Connect to a Windows IxNetwork API Server to create a session URL. http://{apiServerIp:port}/api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork ixNetRestServerIp: The IxNetwork API Server IP address. ixNetRestServerPort: Provide a port number to connect to your non Linux API Server. On a Linux API Server, a socket port is not needed. State "None". """ url = 'http://{0}:{1}/api/v1/sessions'.format(ixNetRestServerIp, ixNetRestServerPort) serverAndPort = ixNetRestServerIp+':'+str(ixNetRestServerPort) response = self.get(url) sessionId = response.json()[0]['id'] self.sessionUrl = 'http://{apiServer}:{port}/api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork'.format(apiServer=ixNetRestServerIp, port=ixNetRestServerPort, id=sessionId) # self.httpHeader = self.sessionUrl.split('/api')[0] # self.sessionId = self.sessionUrl.split('/ixnetwork')[0] return self.sessionUrl def showErrorMessage(self): """ Description Show all the error messages from IxNetwork. Syntax GET: http://{apiServerIp:11009}/api/v1/sessions/{id}/globals/appErrors/error """ errorList = [] print('\nShowErrorMessages:') response = self.get(self.sessionUrl+'/globals/appErrors/error') for errorId in response.json(): if errorId['errorLevel'] in ['Error', 'kWarning']: print('%s: MessageType: %s\n\t%s' % (errorId['lastModified'], errorId['errorLevel'], errorId['description'])) errorList.append(errorId['description']) print() def ixVmCreateHypervisor(self, enabled='true', serverIp='', hypervisorType='vmware', userLoginName='admin', userPassword='admin'): """ Description Create a hypervisor. Syntax http://{apiServerIp:11009}/api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/availableHardware/virtualChassis Parameters enabled: true or false. serverIp: The vChassis IP address. hypervisorType: vmware or qemu. userLoginName: Default = admin userPassword: Default = admin """ vChassisObj = self.sessionUrl+'/availableHardware/virtualChassis' url = self.sessionUrl+'/availableHardware/virtualChassis/hypervisor' data = {'enabled': enabled, 'serverIp': serverIp, 'type': hypervisorType, 'user': userLoginName, 'password': userPassword } response = self.post(url, data=data, ignoreError=True) if response.status_code != 201: errorMsg = response.json()['errors'][0]['detail'] if errorMsg == 'Hypervisor already added.': response = self.get(url) existingHypervisor = response.json()[0]['links'][0]['href'] print('ixVmCreateHypervisor: Hypervisor already added. Returning:', existingHypervisor) return existingHypervisor else: raise IxNetRestApiException('ixVmCreateHypervisor failed:', errorMsg) else: # hypervisorObj = response.json()['links'][0]['href'] return hypervisorObj def ixVmAddCardIdPortId(self, cardIdPortIdList): """ Description A wrapper API to call ixVmConfigCardId and ixVmConfigPortId. Parameter cardIdPortIdList: A list of virtual Card and virtual port parameters. Example: ixvmCardPortList = [{'cardId': 1, 'portId': 1, 'mgmtIp': '', 'interface': 'eth1', 'promiscuousMode': False, 'mtu': '1500', 'keepAlive': '300', 'portName': 'myPort1'}, {'cardId': 2, 'portId': 1, 'mgmtIp': '', 'interface': 'eth1', 'promiscuousMode': False, 'mtu': '1500', 'keepAlive': '300', 'portName': 'myPort2'} ] """ mandatoryCardIdParams = ['mgmtIp'] for eachList in cardIdPortIdList: for eachMandatoryParam in mandatoryCardIdParams: if eachMandatoryParam not in eachList: raise IxNetRestApiException('Missing mandatory param for ixVm cardId: {0}\n\n{1}'.format(eachMandatoryParam, eachList)) autoGenPortNameNumber = 1 for eachList in cardIdPortIdList: # cardId config mgmtIp = eachList['mgmtIp'] if 'cardName' not in eachList: cardName = 'card'+str(autoGenPortNameNumber) else: cardName = eachList['cardName'] if 'keepAlive' in eachList: keepAlive = eachList['keepAlive'] else: keepAlive = '300' # portId config if 'portName' in eachList: portName = eachList['portName'] else: portName = 'port'+str(autoGenPortNameNumber) if 'promiscuousMode' in eachList: promiscuousMode = eachList['promiscuousMode'] else: promiscuousMode = 'false' if 'mtu' in eachList: mtu = eachList['mtu'] else: mtu = '1500' cardObj = self.ixVmConfigCardId(cardName=cardName, mgmtIp=mgmtIp, keepAlive=keepAlive) if cardObj != 1: # /api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/availableHardware/virtualChassis/ixVmCard/1 cardPortObj = self.ixVmConfigPortId(cardObj, portName=portName, promiscuousMode=promiscuousMode, mtu=mtu) cardId = cardObj.split('/')[-1] self.ixVmConnectCardById(cardId) for eachCard in self.ixVmGetListCardId(): print('\tCreated:', eachCard) def ixVmConfigCardId(self, cardName=None, mgmtIp='', keepAlive=300): """ Description Add/Configure a virtual line card. Syntax http://{apiServerIp:11009}/availableHardware/virtualChassis/ixVmCard Parameters cardId: The cardId. Must begin with 1 and in sequential order. cardName: Optional: Specify a name for the card. mgmtIp: The virtual line card's management IP address. keepAlive: Integer in seconds """ url = self.sessionUrl+'/availableHardware/virtualChassis/ixVmCard' nextCardId = self.ixVmGetLastCardId()+1 data = {"cardId": str(nextCardId), "managementIp": str(mgmtIp), "keepAliveTimeout": int(keepAlive) } response = self.post(url, data=data, ignoreError=True) if response.status_code == 400: print() # Another card with IP already exists on slot 1 on the chassis # Commit operation failed on /availableHardware/virtualChassis/ixVmCard:L100 for error in response.json()['errors']: print('\t', error['detail']) print('\nREMOVING existing cardID:', mgmtIp) self.ixVmRemoveCardId(mgmtIp) print('\nRETRY creating cardID:', mgmtIp) response = self.patch(url, data=data) if response.status_code == 400: print() # Another card with IP already exists on slot 1 on the chassis # Commit operation failed on /availableHardware/virtualChassis/ixVmCard:L100 for error in response.json()['errors']: print('\t', error['detail']) #raise IxNetRestApiException if cardName is not None: self.patch(url, data={'cardName': cardName}) ixVmCardObj = response.json()['links'][0]['href'] return ixVmCardObj def ixVmConfigPortId(self, cardUrl, portName=None, promiscuousMode='false', mtu='1500'): """ Description Add/Configure a virtual port to the cardId. Parameters cardUrl: The cardId object: /api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/availableHardware/virtualChassis/ixVmCard/1 interface: eth1|eth2|eth3 ... portId: Optional: The portId. Must begin with 1. Warning! You will have a misconfiguration if you don't begin with ID 1. portName: Optional: Specify the name of the virtual port. promiscuousMode: true|false mtu: Optional: The MTU frame size. """ url = self.httpHeader+cardUrl+'/ixVmPort' portId = self.ixVmGetLastPortId(cardUrl) interface = 'eth'+str(portId) data = {'interface': interface, 'portId': str(portId), 'promiscMode': str(promiscuousMode), 'mtu': str(mtu), } response = self.post(url, data=data) # /api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/availableHardware/virtualChassis/ixVmCard/2/ixVmPort/1 if portName is not None: self.patch(url, data={'portName': portName}) return response.json()['links'][0]['href'] def ixVmConnectCardById(self, cardId): url = self.httpHeader+'/api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/operations/connectcardbyid' response = self.post(url, data={'arg1': cardId}) print('\nconnectCardById:', response.json()) self.waitForComplete(response, url+'/'+response.json()['id']) def ixVmGetListCardId(self): url = self.sessionUrl+'/availableHardware/virtualChassis/ixVmCard' response = self.get(url) cardIdList = [] if response.status_code == 200: cardIdList = [item['links'][0]['href'] for item in response.json()] return cardIdList def ixVmGetLastCardId(self): return len(self.ixVmGetListCardId()) def ixVmGetLastPortId(self, cardIdObj): response = self.get(self.httpHeader+cardIdObj+'/ixVmPort') portId = 1 for eachPortId in response.json(): portId = eachPortId['portId'] return portId def ixVmClearPortOwnershipByCardId(self, cardId): """ Description Clear ownership on all virtual ports from the provided IxVM cardId. Syntax http://{apiServerIp:11009}/api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/operations/clearcardownershipbyid" data={'arg1': str(cardId)} Returns 0 if success Returns 1 if failed """ url = self.sessionUrl+'/operations/clearcardownershipbyid' data = {"arg1": str(cardId)} response = self.post(url, data=data) if response.status_code == 202: state = response.json()['state'] result = response.json()['result'] # state: SUCCESS, ERROR # result: Selected card does not exist if state == 'ERROR' and result == 'Selected card does not exist': return 0 ;# Good if state == 'ERROR' and result != 'Selected card does not exist': return 1 if state == 'SUCCESS': return 0 else: return 1 def ixVmRemoveCardId(self, managementIp): """ Description Remove individual virtual line cards. 1> Clear port ownership 2> Remove cardId Syntax http://{apiServerIp:11009}/api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/availableHardware/virtualChassis/ixVmCard/1 Parameter managementIp: The IP address of the IxVM card. """ response = self.get(self.sessionUrl+'/availableHardware/virtualChassis/ixVmCard') for eachVmCard in response.json(): if eachVmCard['managementIp'] == managementIp: url = eachVmCard['links'][0]['href'] cardIdNumber = eachVmCard['cardId'] self.ixVmClearPortOwnershipByCardId(cardIdNumber) print('\nixVmRemoveCardId:', managementIp) self.delete(self.httpHeader+url) def ixVmRemoveAllCardId(self): """ Description 1> Clear port ownership 2> Disconnect each card IDs. 3> Remove the card IDs. Syntax To get a list of all virtual line cards: http://{apiServerIp:11009/availableHardware/virtualChassis/ixVmCard To disconnect virtual line cards: http://{apiServerIp:11009/operations/disconnectcardbyid data={'arg1': str(cardId)} """ url = self.sessionUrl+'/availableHardware/virtualChassis/ixVmCard' response = self.get(url) cardIdList = [item['links'][0]['href'] for item in response.json()] for eachCard in cardIdList: # /api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/availableHardware/virtualChassis/ixVmCard/5 response = self.get(self.httpHeader+eachCard) print('\nixVmRemoveAllCardIds response:', response.json()) if response.status_code == 200: cardIdNumber = response.json()['cardId'] # Must clear port ownership first. This will disconnect the card/port self.ixVmClearPortOwnershipByCardId(cardIdNumber) print('Disconnecting cardId:', cardIdNumber) disconnectUrl = self.sessionUrl+'/operations/disconnectcardbyid' data = {"arg1": str(cardIdNumber)} response = self.post(disconnectUrl, data=data) if self.waitForComplete(response, disconnectUrl+'/'+response.json()['id']) == 1: raise IxNetRestApiException response = self.delete(self.httpHeader+eachCard) existingCardList = self.ixVmGetListCardId() if len(existingCardList) > 0: for eachCard in existingCardList: IxNetRestApiException('\tCard still exist:', eachCard) def ixVmDeleteHypervisor(self, serverIp='all'): response = self.get(self.sessionUrl+'/availableHardware/virtualChassis/hypervisor') for hypervisor in response.json(): currentHrefObject = hypervisor['links'][0]['href'] currentServerIp = hypervisor['serverIp'] print('\nixVmDeleteHypervisor: discovered:', currentServerIp) print('ixVmDeleteHypervisor hrefObject:', currentHrefObject) if serverIp == 'all': self.delete(self.httpHeader+currentHrefObject) if serverIp == currentServerIp: self.delete(self.httpHeader+currentHrefObject) def ixVmDeleteVirtualChassis(self, vChassisIp): """ Description Delete the virtual chassis. Syntax http://{apiServerIp:11009}/api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/availableHardware/virtualChassis/hypervisor/1 Parameter vChassisIp: 'all' or the virtual chassis IP. """ response = self.get(self.sessionUrl+'/availableHardware/virtualChassis/hypervisor') for eachHypervisor in response.json(): if vChassisIp == 'all': response = self.get(self.httpHeader+eachHypervisor['links'][0]['href']) print('\nixVmDeleteVirtualChassis response:', response.json()) self.delete(self.httpHeader+eachHypervisor['links'][0]['href']) if eachHypervisor['serverIp'] == vChassisIp: self.delete(self.httpHeader+eachHypervisor['links'][0]['href']) def removeAllSuper(self): print('\n-------- Before adding: Removing all residual hypervisors and cards ---------') self.ixVmRemoveAllCardId() self.ixVmDeleteHypervisor(serverIp='all') self.ixVmDeleteVirtualChassis('all') print('\n------------ Removing all residual hypervisors and cards done ---------') def connectIxChassis(self, chassisIp): """ Description Connect to chassis. This needs to be done prior to assigning ports for testing. Syntax /api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/availableHardware/chassis Parameter chassisIp: The chassis IP address. """ url = self.sessionUrl+'/availableHardware/chassis' data = {'hostname': chassisIp} response = self.post(url, data=data) # /api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/availableHardware/chassis/1 chassisIdObj = response.json()['links'][0]['href'] # Chassis states: down, polling, ready for timer in range(1,11): response = self.get(self.httpHeader + chassisIdObj, silentMode=True) currentStatus = response.json()['state'] print('connectIxChassis {0}: Status: {1}'.format(chassisIp, currentStatus)) if currentStatus != 'ready' and timer < 10: time.sleep(1) if currentStatus != 'ready' and timer == 10: raise IxNetRestApiException('connectIxChassis: Connecting to chassis {0} failed'.format(chassisIp)) if currentStatus == 'ready' and timer < 10: break return chassisIdObj def connectToVChassis(self, chassisIp): self.connectIxChassis(chassisIp) # Connects to the virtual chassis url = self.sessionUrl+'/operations/connecttochassis' data = {"arg1": chassisIp} response = self.post(url, data=data) if self.waitForComplete(response, url+'/'+response.json()['id']) == 1: raise IxNetRestApiException def disconnectIxChassis(self, chassisIp): """ Description Disconnect the chassis (both hardware or virtualChassis). Syntax http://{apiServerIp:11009}/api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/availableHardware/chassis/ Parameter chassisIp: 'all' or the chassis IP address. """ url = self.sessionUrl+'/availableHardware/chassis' response = self.get(url) for eachChassisId in response.json(): if chassisIp == 'all': chassisIdUrl = eachChassisId['links'][0]['href'] response = self.get(self.httpHeader+chassisIdUrl) print('\ndisconnectIxChassis all:', chassisIdUrl) print('\tIP address:', response.json()['ip']) response = self.delete(self.httpHeader+chassisIdUrl) if eachChassisId['hostname'] == chassisIp: chassisIdUrl = eachChassisId['links'][0]['href'] print('\ndisconnectIxChassis', chassisIdUrl) print('\tIP address:', response.json()['ip']) response = self.delete(self.httpHeader+chassisIdUrl) def refreshHardware(self, chassisObj): """ Description Refresh the chassis Syntax http://{apiServerIp:11009}/availableHardware/chassis/operations/refreshinfo Parameter chassisObj: The chassis object Ex: '/api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/availableHardware/chassis/1' """ response = self.post(self.sessionUrl+'/availableHardware/chassis/operations/refreshinfo', data={'arg1': [chassisObj]}) if self.waitForComplete(response, self.sessionUrl+'/availableHardware/chassis/operations/refreshinfo') == 1: raise IxNetRestApiException def ixVmRediscoverAppliances(self): """ Description Assuming that the virtual load module appliances (VM) are already created. Now you want to add them. This is step 1 of 2. Next step is to add them as useable ports. Returns Returns XML data format """ url = self.sessionUrl+'/operations/rediscoverappliances' response = self.post(url) # XML format print('\n-- rediscover:', response.json()) if self.waitForComplete(response, url+'/'+response.json()['id']) == 1: raise IxNetRestApiException def ixVmRebuildChassisTopology(self, ixNetworkVersion): """ Description Remove all connected IxVM CardId/PortIds Parameter ixNetworkVersion: The version of IxNetwork. Ex: 8.20 Syntax POST: http://{apiServerIp:port}/api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/operations/rebuildchassistopology arg1: IxNetwork version that should be used to filter appliances. arg2: Flag that enables reconfiguration on the same slots for the previous cards. (true|false) arg3: Promiscuous Mode (true|false) """ url = self.sessionUrl+'/operations/rebuildchassistopology' data = {"arg1": str(ixNetworkVersion), "arg2": "false", "arg3": "false"} response = self.post(url, data=data) if self.waitForComplete(response, url+'/'+response.json()['id']) == 1: raise IxNetRestApiException # Returns a list of discovered machines in XML format. def waitForComplete(self, response='', url='', silentMode=True, timeout=90): """ Description Wait for an operation progress to complete. Parameters response: The POST action response. Generally, after an /operations action. Such as /operations/startallprotocols, /operations/assignports silentMode: True or False. If True, display info messages. timeout: The time allowed to wait for success completion in seconds. """ print ('\nwaitForComplete...') if response.json() == []: raise IxNetRestApiException('waitForComplete: response is empty.') if 'errors' in response.json(): print(response.json()["errors"][0]) return 1 print("\tState:",response.json()["state"]) if response.json()['state'] == "SUCCESS": return 0 if response.json()['state'] == "ERROR": self.showErrorMessage() return 1 if response.json()['state'] == "EXCEPTION": print(response.text) return 1 while True: if response.json()["state"] == "IN_PROGRESS" or response.json()["state"] == "down": if timeout == 0: return 1 time.sleep(1) response = self.get(url, silentMode=silentMode) state = response.json()["state"] if timeout > 0 and state == 'SUCCESS': print("\tState: {0}".format(state)) break elif timeout > 0 and state == 'ERROR': self.showErrorMessage() return 1 elif timeout > 0 and state == 'EXCEPTION': print(response.text) return 1 elif timeout == 0 and state != 'SUCCESS': return 1 else: print("\tState: {0} {1} seconds remaining".format(state, timeout)) timeout = timeout-1 continue def completer(text, state): options = [x for x in commands if x.startswith(text)] try: return options[state] except IndexError: return None def getInput(question): if platform.python_version().startswith('3'): userInput = input('%s ' % question) if platform.python_version().startswith('2'): userInput = raw_input('%s ' % question) return userInput def askQuestion(question, defaultValue=None, expectedPattern=None): # This Method makes the script bomb proof. # It expects a correct value pattern and it will continue to ask you the # same question if you did not answer correctly. while True: response = getInput('\n'+question) # If there is no default value and no user response, ask again. # Expecting a value. if not response and defaultValue == None: continue if response and expectedPattern and bool(re.match(expectedPattern, response, re.I)) == False: print('\n\tError: You entered:', response) print('\tError: Expecting pattern:', expectedPattern) continue # User responded. Expecting a certain pattern and if ok, return the user input. if response and expectedPattern and bool(re.match(expectedPattern, response, re.I)) == True: return response # User responded. Any input is ok. No verification required. if response and expectedPattern == None: return response # No response and no default value, ask again if not response and defaultValue == None: continue # No resposne, return the default value as the value. if not response and defaultValue: return defaultValue readline.set_completer(completer) readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") vmMgmtCardListToRemove = 'all' #apiServerIp = '' #apiServerIpPort = '11009' #restObj = IxVmChassisBuilder(serverIp=apiServerIp, serverPort=apiServerIpPort) #restObj.ixVmDeleteHypervisor() #sys.exit() if len(sys.argv) == 1: # Ask questions. Not reading ixvmParams.py file. # python ixvmChassisBuilder.py #ixvmCardPortList = 'interactive' mode = 'interactive' if len(sys.argv) > 1: # Read the ixvnParams.py file # python ixvmChassisBuilder.py add|remove if os.path.exists('ixvmParams.py') == False: errMsg = '\nError: For non-interactive mode, you must have the ixvmParams.py file on the same path as ixvmChassisBuilder.py.' errMsg = errMsg+'\n\tThe parameters file ixvmParams.py is not found.\n\n' sys.exit(errMsg) from ixvmParams import * #ixvmCardPortList = 'nonInteractive' mode = 'nonInteractive' if sys.argv[1] not in ['add', 'remove']: sys.exit('\nError: For interactive mode, you must specified add or remove: ./ixVmChassisBuilder.py add|remove ixVmParams.py') action = sys.argv[1] if mode == 'interactive': try: apiServerIp = askQuestion('What is the IxNetwork API server IP?', defaultValue=None, expectedPattern='[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+') apiServerIpPort = askQuestion('What is the IxNetwork API server IP Port? (11009)', defaultValue='11009', expectedPattern='[0-9]+') # Connect to the IxNetwork API server. Only continue if it is successful. try: restObj = IxVmChassisBuilder(serverIp=apiServerIp, serverPort=apiServerIpPort) except IxNetRestApiException as errMsg: sys.exit('\nFailed to connect to:{0}:{1}\n'.format(apiServerIp, apiServerIpPort)) print('\nSuccessfully connected to:{0}:{1}'.format(apiServerIp, apiServerIpPort)) addOrRemoveCards = askQuestion('Do you want to add or remove IxVM appliances?\n\t(1=add, 2=remove, Default=1)', defaultValue='1', expectedPattern='1|2') # ADD if addOrRemoveCards == '1': action = 'add' hypervisorInput = askQuestion('Which hypervisor:\n\n\t(1) vmware\n\t(2) qemu\n\nPlease select (Default=1):', defaultValue='1', expectedPattern='1|2') if not hypervisorInput: hypervisorType == 'vmware' if hypervisorInput == '1': hypervisorType = 'vmware' if hypervisorInput == '2': hypervisorType = 'qemu' vChassisIp = askQuestion('What is the virtual chassis IP? ', expectedPattern='[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+') username = askQuestion('What is the virtual chassis username? (default=admin) ', defaultValue='admin', expectedPattern=None) password = askQuestion('What is the virtual chassis username password? (default=admin) ', defaultValue='admin', expectedPattern=None) totalIxVmCards = askQuestion('How many IxVM cards do you want to add? ', defaultValue=None, expectedPattern='[0-9]+') question = '\nDo you want to accept the following default settings for the IxVM cards?' question = question+'\n\n\tpromiscuousMode = False\n\tmtu = 1500\n\tkeepAlive = 300' question = question+'\n\nEnter 1 for Yes\nEnter 2 for No\nDefault = 1' question = question+'\n\nMake your selection: ' ixVmCardDefaultSetting = askQuestion(question, defaultValue='1', expectedPattern='1|2') print() ixvmCardPortList = [] for cardNumber in range(1,int(totalIxVmCards)+1): mgmtIp = askQuestion('What is the management IP address of card{0}?'.format(cardNumber), expectedPattern='[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+') if ixVmCardDefaultSetting == '1': ixvmCardPortList.insert(len(ixvmCardPortList), {'mgmtIp': mgmtIp, 'promiscuousMode': False, 'mtu': '1500', 'keepAlive': '300'}) if ixVmCardDefaultSetting == '2': promiscuousMode = askQuestion('Promiscuous mode for card{0}? (1=true, 2=false, default=1) '.format(cardNumber), defaultValue='1', expectedPattern='1|2') if promiscuousMode == '1': promiscuousMode = True if promiscuousMode == '2': promiscuousMode = False mtu = askQuestion('MTU for card{0}? (default=1500) '.format(cardNumber)) keepAlive = askQuestion('Keep Alive for card{0}? (Default=300)) '.format(cardNumber), defaultValue='300', expectedPattern='[0-9]+') ixvmCardPortList.insert(len(ixvmCardPortList), {'mgmtIp': mgmtIp, 'promiscuousMode': promiscuousMode, 'mtu': mtu, 'keepAlive': keepAlive}) # REMOVE elif addOrRemoveCards == '2': action = 'remove' removeVChassis = True removeVChassisInput = askQuestion('Do you want to remove all discovered vChassis or specify a vChassis?\n(1=All, 2=Specify, 3=DoNotRemove, Default=1) ', defaultValue='1', expectedPattern='1|2|3') if removeVChassisInput == '1': vChassisIp = 'all' if removeVChassisInput == '2': vChassisIp = askQuestion('What is the virtual chassis IP? ', expectedPattern='[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+') if removeVChassisInput == '3': removeVChassis = False removeCardsInput = askQuestion('Do you want to remove all the vm cards? (1=Yes, 2=No, Default=1) ', defaultValue='1', expectedPattern='1|2') ''' removeHypervisorInput = askQuestion('Do you want to remove all hypervisors? (1=Yes, 2=No, Default=1) ', defaultValue='1', expectedPattern='1|2') if not removeHypervisorInput: removeHypervisor = 'all' if removeHypervisorInput == '1': removeHypervisor = 'all' if removeHypervisorInput == '2': removeHypervisor = askQuestion('What is the hypervisor IP address that you want to remove? ', expectedPattern='[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+') ''' vmMgmtCardListToRemove = [] if removeCardsInput == '1': vmMgmtCardListToRemove = 'all' if removeCardsInput == '2': totalCardsToRemove = askQuestion('How many vm cards do you want to remove? ', expectedPattern='[0-9]+') for cardNumber in range(1,int(totalCardsToRemove)+1): mgmtIp = askQuestion('What is the mgmt IP for card{0} to remove? '.format(cardNumber), expectedPattern='[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+') vmMgmtCardListToRemove.append(mgmtIp) else: sys.exit('\nUnknown choice:', addOrRemoveCards) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit('\nAborted\n') try: restObj = IxVmChassisBuilder(serverIp=apiServerIp, serverPort=apiServerIpPort) if action == 'add': # First, clean up all residual hypervisors and cards in case there is any. # Otherwise, creating new cardID will fail. restObj.removeAllSuper() restObj.connectToVChassis(vChassisIp) restObj.ixVmCreateHypervisor(enabled='true', serverIp=vChassisIp, hypervisorType=hypervisorType, userLoginName=username, userPassword=password) restObj.ixVmAddCardIdPortId(ixvmCardPortList) if action == 'remove': if vmMgmtCardListToRemove == 'all': restObj.ixVmRemoveAllCardId() else: for ixVmCardMgmt in vmMgmtCardListToRemove: restObj.ixVmRemoveCardId(ixVmCardMgmt) restObj.ixVmDeleteHypervisor(serverIp=vChassisIp) restObj.disconnectIxChassis(vChassisIp) # Delete the virtual chassis if removeVChassis: restObj.ixVmDeleteVirtualChassis(vChassisIp) except (IxNetRestApiException, Exception, KeyboardInterrupt) as errMsg: print('\n%s' % traceback.format_exc()) print('\nException Error:', errMsg)