from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import sys, os, re, time, subprocess from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, Comment, tostring, tostringlist from xml.dom import minidom import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import paramiko try: # Python2.7 import StringIO except: # Python3 import io """ Description Verify port license availability. Supports retrieving license check on chassis and Windows. Usage: import verifyPortLicense licenseObj = verifyPortLicense.Connect(platform='chassis', licenseServerIp=ip, username='admin', password='admin', licenseModel='VM-IXN-TIER3') licenseObj = verifyPortLicense.Connect(platform='windows', licenseServerIp=ip, username='user1', password='password', licenseModel='VM-IXN-TIER3') availablePortLiceneses = licenseObj.areThereEnoughLicenses(2) """ def _xmlprettyprint(stringlist): indent = '' in_tag = False for token in stringlist: if token.startswith('': yield '>' + '\n' in_tag = False elif in_tag: yield token else: yield indent + token + '\n' def pretty_xml(element): return ''.join(_xmlprettyprint(tostringlist(element))) def prettify(elem): """Return a pretty-printed XML string for the Element. """ from xml.etree import ElementTree rough_string = ElementTree.tostring(elem, 'utf-8') reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string) return reparsed.toprettyxml(indent=" ") class Connect(): def __init__(self, platform='chassis', licenseServerIp=None, sshPort=22, username='admin', password='admin', licenseModel='VM-IXN-TIER3'): """ Description # For IxVM ports. Not for physical hardware. Class PortLicenses() Get available port licenses from the vChassis. Only supported on chassis's running LinuxOS. Not for Windows. Parameters platform: chassis|windows licenseServerIp: The license server IP address. username: The chassis login username. Default = admin password: The chassis login password. Default = admin licenseModel: The license name to look under: For example: VM-IXN-TIER3 VM-IXL-TIER4-10G Usage import verifyPortLicense licenseObj = verifyPortLicense.Connect(platform='chassis', licenseServerIp=ip, username='admin', password='admin', licenseModel='VM-IXN-TIER3') licenseObj.areThereEnoughLicenses(2) Raises Exception """ self.platform = platform self.licenseServerIp = licenseServerIp self.username = username self.password = password self.licenseNameToGet = licenseModel self.availablePortLicenses = 0 self.sshPort = sshPort self.sshTimeout = 10 self.sshPkey = None self.sshKeyFilename = None if self.platform == 'chassis': self.command = 'show licenses --floatingstats' if self.platform == 'windows': self.command = 'LSPlusCLI.exe -floatingstats -server localhost' self.getLicenseDetails() def sshConnect(self): try: print('\nverifyPortLicense.sshConnect:', self.platform, self.licenseServerIp) self.ssh.connect(hostname=self.licenseServerIp, port=self.sshPort, username=self.username, password=self.password, pkey=self.sshPkey, key_filename=self.sshKeyFilename, timeout=self.sshTimeout) except paramiko.SSHException: raise Exception('\nSSH Failed to connect:', self.licenseServerIp) print('verifyPortLicense.sshConnect: Connected') def send(self, command, displayOutput=True, convertBufferToLines=True): bufferBytes=9999 eof = False #convertBufferToLines = False expect = '(#|>)' timeout = 10 expectTimeout = 60 #time.sleep(1) channelData = str() sys.stdout.flush() noDataFlag = 0 print('\nSending:', command)'\n') time.sleep(1) ;# Must wait a second to allow time for Linux to respond breakWhileFlag = 0 while True: # Keep checking for any output datas to be read up to # timeout seconds. #print('ready:', if # The shell console may take some time to show the output # such as errors and failures. Wait up to 10 seconds. for timer in range(0,51): channelData +='utf-8').strip() if timer < 50 and len(channelData) == 0 and eof == False: time.sleep(.1) continue elif timer < 50 and len(channelData) == 0 and eof == True: if displayOutput: print('\nRECEIVED:', channelData) print('EOF') return 1,'' elif timer < 50 and len(channelData) != 0 and eof == False: if displayOutput: print('\nRECEIVED:', channelData) breakWhileFlag = 1 break elif timer == 50 and len(channelData) == 0: noDataFlag == 1 print('\nRECEIVED no output after sending the command.') breakWhileFlag = 1 break else: noDataFlag == 1 break if noDataFlag == 1: return 0,'' if breakWhileFlag == 1: break else: if timeout != 0: time.sleep(.1) timeout -= 1 continue if timeout == 0: print('\nTIMEOUT. No data ready') return 0, '' buffer = '' countDownCurrentTime = expectTimeout # Wait for expected prompt while True: if expect == None: # Ignore any output. Just return the buffer. return 2, channelData if displayOutput and channelData != '': print('\n--------------- Channel Data Output -----------------') print (channelData) print('-------------------------------------------------------\n') # Note: channelData is the screen output #buffer = channelData if expect != None: # Got the expected prompt and before timeout if countDownCurrentTime != 0 and (bool('.*%s' % expect, channelData))) == True: print('Received the expected prompt') if convertBufferToLines == True: try: # Python2.7 buffer = StringIO.StringIO(channelData) except: # Python3 buffer = io.StringIO(channelData) else: buffer = channelData return buffer if countDownCurrentTime != 0 and (bool('.*%s' % expect , channelData))) == False: print('Waiting for response and the expected prompt: %d/%d' % (countDownCurrentTime, expectTimeout)) countDownCurrentTime -= 1 time.sleep(1)'\r') channelData ='utf-8') continue # Did not get the expected prompt and timeout if countDownCurrentTime == 0 and (bool('.*%s' % expect, buffer))) == False: print('\nThe user defined Expected pattern not found. Got:') return 0, channelData def getLicenseDetails(self): self.ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() self.ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) self.sshConnect() transport = self.ssh.get_transport() transport.set_keepalive(1) = self.ssh.invoke_shell() if self.verifyLockFile() == True: for counter in range(1,11): print('\nareThereEnoughLicenses.verifyLockFile: Somebody is reserving ports. Waiting %d/%d seconds ...' % (counter, 10)) time.sleep(1) self.lockFile(True) if self.platform == 'chassis': output = self.send('launch chassis') #output = self.send(self.command) stdout = self.send(self.command, convertBufferToLines=True) # stdout: <_io.StringIO object at 0x7f4c8ddc9048> for line in stdout.readlines(): if line.strip() == '': continue #print(line.strip()) # version < 8.30: Located license name: VM-IXN-TIER3 | 18-dec-2017 | No | 8 | hgee | Windows2012 | | 2 | No | | # version >= 8.30: VM-IXN-TIER3 | 18-dec-2017 | No | 10 match = re.match('^%s.*([0-9]+-[a-zA-Z]+-[0-9]+)(.*?)\|(.*?)\| +([0-9]+)' % self.licenseNameToGet, line, re.I) #match = re.match('^%s.*([0-9]+-[a-zA-Z]+-[0-9]+).*\|.*\| +([0-9]+)' % expect, line, re.I) if match: self.availablePortLicenses = if self.platform == 'windows': output = self.send('cd C:\Program Files (x86)', displayOutput=False) output = self.send('cd Ixia\LicenseServerPlus', displayOutput=False) output = self.send(self.command, displayOutput=False, convertBufferToLines=False) match = re.match('%s.*\n(.*)' % self.command, output) if match: xmlBuffer = root = ET.fromstring(xmlBuffer) print(prettify(root)) #['FeatureUsage']['FloatingStats']['Feature']['name']['VM-IXN-TIER3']['available']) for child in root.iter(): for attrib in child.findall('FloatingStats/Feature'): name = attrib.find('name') available = attrib.find('available') if name.text == 'VM-IXN-TIER3': self.availablePortLicenses = available.text print('%s: Available:%s' % (name.text, available.text)) break else: continue break else: print('\nNo match found') self.releaseLockFile() def lockFile(self, enabled=True): result = subprocess.Popen('touch verifyPortLicense.lock'.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout,stderr = result.communicate() def verifyLockFile(self): if os.path.isfile('verifyPortLicense.lock') == True: return True else: return False def releaseLockFile(self): if self.verifyLockFile: result = subprocess.Popen('rm verifyPortLicense.lock'.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout,stderr = result.communicate() def areThereEnoughLicenses(self, required): """ Description Verify trhe license server if there are enough port licenses for usage. This is only supported for chassis running Linux OS. Parameter requred: The requred amount of port licenses needed. Usage portLicenseObj = PortLicenses(platform='windows', licenseServerIp=ip, username='admin', password='admin', licenseModel='VM-IXN-TIER3') portLicenseObj = PortLicenses(platform='chassis', licenseServerIp=ip, username='admin', password='admin', licenseModel='VM-IXN-TIER3') portLicenseObj.areThereEnoughLicenses(required=2) """ self.requiredNumberOfLicenses = required msg = '\nPort license check:' msg = msg+'\n\tAvailablePortLicenses: {0}\n\tRequiredLicenses: {1}\n'.format(self.availablePortLicenses, self.requiredNumberOfLicenses) if int(self.requiredNumberOfLicenses) <= int(self.availablePortLicenses): print(msg) else: raise Exception('Not enough port licenses:'+msg)