# Samole: Python Script Sample To Create from Scratch a test based on a json definition. # Actions: # 1. Using the bps_helper parse and create the test # 2. Reserve ports # 3. Run the created test # 4. Wait for the test to finish # 5. Get test result # 6. Get and print the Synopsis page from report # 7. Unreserve ports # 8. Logout import os import time from bps_helper import BPS_Helper from bps import BPS,pp ######################################## # Demo script global variables ######################################## # Demo script global variables canned_test_name = 'AppSim' #bps system info # bps_system = '' # bpsuser = 'bps user' # bpspass = 'bps pass' bps_system = '' bpsuser = 'admin' bpspass = 'admin' file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'http_https.json') slot_number = 5 port_list = [0, 4] ######################################## ######################################## # Login to BPS box bps = BPS(bps_system, bpsuser, bpspass) bps.login() # parse json and create test model bps_create = BPS_Helper(bps_object=bps, json_data = file) bps_create.create_superflow() bps_create.create_application_profile() bps_create.create_nso_testmodel() print("Reserve Ports") for p in port_list: bps.topology.reserve([{'slot': slot_number, 'port': p, 'group': 2}]) print("Running test: " + bps_create.test_name) test_id_json = bps.testmodel.run(modelname=bps_create.test_name, group=2) testid = str( test_id_json["runid"] ) run_id = 'TEST-' + testid print("Test Run Id: %s"%run_id) #get the ids for all tests running on the chassis runningTests_Ids = [test['id'] for test in bps.topology.runningTest.get()] #wait while the test is still running while run_id in runningTests_Ids: run_state = bps.topology.runningTest[run_id].get() #print progress if test started try: print ('progress: %s%% , runtime %ss' % (run_state['progress'], run_state['runtime'] )) except: print ("Starting...") time.sleep(2) #update the current running tests runningTests_Ids = [test['id'] for test in bps.topology.runningTest.get()] print("~The test finished the execution.") results = bps.reports.search(searchString=bps_create.test_name, limit=10, sort="endTime", sortorder="descending") result = results[0] print ("%s execution duration %s ended with status: %s " % (result['name'], result['duration'], result['result']) ) #getting 3.4 Section: Synopsys Summary of Results from the Report tabledata = bps.reports.getReportTable(runid=testid, sectionId="3.4") pp(tabledata) print ("Unreserving the ports") for p in port_list: bps.topology.unreserve([{'slot': slot_number, 'port': p, 'group': 2}]) bps.logout()