""" PLEASE READ DISCLAIMER This is a sample script for demo and reference purpose only. It is subject to change for content updates without warning. REQUIREMENTS - Python 2.7 minimum - Python modules: requests - IxNetwork 8.41+ DESCRIPTION - Configures 3 NGPF Topology Groups with ISIS protocol, enabling BIER in ISIS and Network Groups. - Configures 3 RAW Traffic Items with packet headers: Ethernet, MPLS, BIER, IPv4 and UDP - Topology 1 = TxPort Device Group - IPv4 - ISIS name='ISIS-L3 RTR 2' enableBIER=True bierNFlag=True bierRFlag=False prefixAdvertisementType='ipv4' includePrefixAttrFlags=True distribution='up' - Topology 2 = RxPort Device Group - IPv4 - ISIS name='ISIS-L3 RTR 2' enableBIER=True bierNFlag=True bierRFlag=False prefixAdvertisementType='ipv4' includePrefixAttrFlags=True distribution='up' Network Group IPv4PrefixPool/ISIS BAR= 0 BFRId= 12 BFRIdStep= 1 BIERBitStringLength= '64bits' labelStart= 1001 labelRangeSize= 1 nFlag= True pFlag= False rFlag= False vFlag= False redistribution= 'up' routeOrigin= 'internal' subDomainId= 0 - Topology 3 = RxPort Device Group - IPv4 - ISIS name='ISIS-L3 RTR 3' enableBIER=True bierNFlag=True bierRFlag=False prefixAdvertisementType='ipv4' includePrefixAttrFlags=True distribution='up' Network Group IPv4PrefixPool/ISIS BAR= 0, BFRId= 12, BFRIdStep= 1, BIERBitStringLength= '64bits', labelStart= 1001, labelRangeSize= 1, nFlag= True, pFlag= False, rFlag= False, vFlag= False, redistribution= 'up', routeOrigin= 'internal', subDomainId= 0 - Create 3 Traffic Items - All Traffic items are RAW traffic items and have the same configurations. Raw packet header configurations: 1: Ethernet II 2: MPLS startLabel=1001 3: BIER Nibble=5 Ver=0 BSL=64 Bits Entropy=0 OAM=0 Rsv=0 DSCP=0 Proto=IPv4 Packet BFIR-Id=1 4: IPv4 5: UDP Auto - Start protocols - Verify protocol sessions - Apply Traffic - Start Traffic - Get stats USAGE python