# PLEASE READ DISCLAIMER # # This is a sample script for demo and reference purpose only. # It is subject to change for content updates without warning. # # REQUIREMENTS # - Python modules: requests # # SUPPORTS # - Python 2.7 and 3+ # - IxNetwork API servers: Windows, WindowsConnectionMgr and Linux # # DESCRIPTION # This sample script demonstrates: # - Using ReST API to load a saved BGP configurations using two back-to-back Ixia ports. # - Supports Windows, Windows Connection Mgr and Linux API server. # # - Connects to the chassis and verify port availability. # - Load a saved BGP config file. # If the config file is in the Windows API server filesystem, the configFile path format is c:\\path\\bgp.ixncfg # and set parameter localFile=False. Ex: fileMgmtObj.loadConfigFile(configFile, localFile=False) # # - Optional: Reassign Ports # - Verify port states. # - Example to show how to modify BGP configurations. # - Start all protocols. # - Verify all protocol sessions. # - Apply Traffic # - Regenerate Traffic # - Start Traffic # - Get Stats # import sys, os, traceback # These modules are one level above. sys.path.insert(0, (os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__).replace('SampleScripts', 'Modules')))) from IxNetRestApi import * from IxNetRestApiPortMgmt import PortMgmt from IxNetRestApiFileMgmt import FileMgmt from IxNetRestApiProtocol import Protocol from IxNetRestApiTraffic import Traffic from IxNetRestApiStatistics import Statistics # API server options: windows, windowsConnectionMgr or linux. # Linux default port for https only: 443 # Windows default port for both http|https: 11009 # Windows Connection Mgr. http:11009|htps:443 osPlatform = 'windows' port = 11009 try: #---------- Preference Settings -------------- forceTakePortOwnership = True releasePortsWhenDone = False deleteSessionAfterTest = True licenseServerIp = '' licenseModel = 'subscription' licenseTier = 'tier3' currentDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) configFile = '{}/bgp_ngpf_8.30.ixncfg'.format(currentDir) ixChassisIp = '' # [chassisIp, cardNumber, slotNumber] portList = [[ixChassisIp, '1', '1'], [ixChassisIp, '1', '2']] if osPlatform == 'linux': mainObj = Connect(apiServerIp='', username='admin', password='admin', deleteSessionAfterTest=deleteSessionAfterTest, verifySslCert=False, serverOs=osPlatform, sessionId=2, generateLogFile='ixiaDebug.log' ) # For windows: serverIpPort=11009 # For windowsConnectionMgr, must state the following params: httpsSecured=. serverIpPort=443 if osPlatform in ['windows', 'windowsConnectionMgr']: mainObj = Connect(apiServerIp='', serverIpPort=port, serverOs=osPlatform, deleteSessionAfterTest=deleteSessionAfterTest, generateLogFile='ixiaDebug.log', httpsSecured=True ) #---------- Preference Settings End -------------- portObj = PortMgmt(mainObj) portObj.connectIxChassis(ixChassisIp) if portObj.arePortsAvailable(portList, raiseException=False) != 0: if forceTakePortOwnership == True: portObj.releasePorts(portList) portObj.clearPortOwnership(portList) else: raise IxNetRestApiException('\nPorts are owned by another user and forceTakePortOwnership is set to False. Exiting test.') fileMgmtObj = FileMgmt(mainObj) # localFile=True if config file is not located in the Windows c: drive. fileMgmtObj.loadConfigFile(configFile, localFile=True) portObj.releasePorts(portList) mainObj.configLicenseServerDetails([licenseServerIp], licenseModel, licenseTier) portObj = PortMgmt(mainObj) portObj.assignPorts(portList, forceTakePortOwnership) portObj.verifyPortState() protocolObj = Protocol(mainObj) # MODIFY BGP CONFIG: # Step 1 of 2: Get the BGP host object. # Filter the BGP host by it's Topology Group name. # State all the BGP attributes to modify in a list. bgpAttributeMultivalue = protocolObj.getBgpObject(topologyName='Topo1', bgpAttributeList=['flap', 'uptimeInSec', 'downtimeInSec']) # Step 2 of 2: MODIFY THE BGP OBJECT ATTRIBUTES mainObj.configMultivalue(bgpAttributeMultivalue['flap'], multivalueType='valueList', data={'values': ['true', 'true']}) mainObj.configMultivalue(bgpAttributeMultivalue['uptimeInSec'], multivalueType='singleValue', data={'value': '60'}) mainObj.configMultivalue(bgpAttributeMultivalue['downtimeInSec'], multivalueType='singleValue', data={'value': '30'}) protocolObj.startAllProtocols() protocolObj.verifyProtocolSessionsUp() trafficObj = Traffic(mainObj) trafficObj.startTraffic(regenerateTraffic=True, applyTraffic=True) # Check the traffic state before getting stats. # Use one of the below APIs based on what you expect the traffic state should be before calling stats. # If you expect traffic to be stopped such as in fixedFrameCount and fixedDuration # or do you expect traffic to be started such as in continuous mode #trafficObj.checkTrafficState(expectedState=['stopped'], timeout=45) trafficObj.checkTrafficState(expectedState=['started'], timeout=45) statObj = Statistics(mainObj) stats = statObj.getStats(viewName='Flow Statistics') print('\n{txPort:10} {txFrames:15} {rxPort:10} {rxFrames:15} {frameLoss:10}'.format( txPort='txPort', txFrames='txFrames', rxPort='rxPort', rxFrames='rxFrames', frameLoss='frameLoss')) print('-'*90) for flowGroup,values in stats.items(): txPort = values['Tx Port'] rxPort = values['Rx Port'] txFrames = values['Tx Frames'] rxFrames = values['Rx Frames'] frameLoss = values['Frames Delta'] print('{txPort:10} {txFrames:15} {rxPort:10} {rxFrames:15} {frameLoss:10} '.format( txPort=txPort, txFrames=txFrames, rxPort=rxPort, rxFrames=rxFrames, frameLoss=frameLoss)) if releasePortsWhenDone == True: portObj.releasePorts(portList) if osPlatform == 'linux': mainObj.linuxServerStopAndDeleteSession() if osPlatform == 'windowsConnectionMgr': mainObj.deleteSession() except (IxNetRestApiException, Exception, KeyboardInterrupt): if not bool(re.search('ConnectionError', traceback.format_exc())): print('\n%s' % traceback.format_exc()) if 'mainObj' in locals() and osPlatform == 'linux': if deleteSessionAfterTest: mainObj.linuxServerStopAndDeleteSession() if 'mainObj' in locals() and osPlatform in ['windows', 'windowsConnectionMgr']: if releasePortsWhenDone and forceTakePortOwnership: portObj.releasePorts(portList) if osPlatform == 'windowsConnectionMgr': if deleteSessionAfterTest: mainObj.deleteSession()